DFPA News Release: Fire Danger Increases
3:55 AM · Sep 29, 2020(DFPA) The warm and dry conditions that have returned to the Umpqua Valley have prompted the Douglas Forest Protective Association to increase the Fire Danger to Moderate effective Tuesday, September 29th, at 12:01 AM. The Industrial Fire Precaution Level will remain at IFPL I, district-wide. The increase in fire danger affects all 1.6 million acres of land protected by DFPA. Under DFPA’s Public Use Restrictions, the following activities are allowed before 1 PM or after 8 PM during Moderate Fire Danger: • The cutting, trimming or mowing of dried or cured grass. This restriction does not apply to the mowing of green lawns or for the commercial culture and harvest of agricultural crops. • The cutting, grinding or welding of metal for non-industrial purposes. • The use of power saws for non-industrial purposes. • Any non-industrial improvement or development taking place on private property that utilizes power-driven machinery not specifically mentioned in the Public Use Restrictions. In addition to the above-mentioned restrictions, the following fire prevention measures listed in DFPA’s Public Use Restrictions remain in place and are unchanged: • Smoking is prohibited while traveling in wildland areas, except in vehicles on improved roads, in boats on the water and at other designated locations. • Open fires are prohibited, including campfires, charcoal fires, cooking fires and warming fires, except at designated sites. Portable cooking stoves using liquefied or bottled fuels are allowed elsewhere. • The use of fireworks are prohibited. • Motor vehicles, including motorcycles and all-terrain vehicles, are only allowed on improved roads that are free of flammable vegetation, except for those used in the culture and harvest of agricultural crops. In addition, each vehicle traveling on forest roads must have an axe, shovel and one gallon of water or one operational 2½ pound or larger fire extinguisher. All-terrain vehicles and motorcycles must be equipped with one operational 2 ½ pound or larger fire extinguisher. • Any electric fence controller in use shall be listed by a nationally recognized testing laboratory or be certified by the Department of Consumer and Business Services and be operated in compliance with the manufacturer’s instructions. In addition to DFPA’s Public Use Restrictions, the use of exploding targets and tracer ammunition are prohibited under state law during a declared fire season and the use sky lanterns are prohibited year-round in Oregon. Backyard debris burning, including the use of burn barrels, remains prohibited. Additional fire restrictions or closures may be in place through private industrial landowners or other public land management agencies, on the lands they own or manage. For more information about public or industrial fire restrictions on DFPA protected lands, visit www.dfpa.net or can DFPA’s 24 hour information line at 541-672-0379.