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Roseburg Police Logs for 10/27/2020

PATROL: Roseburg Police OFFICER: RPD DATE/TIME: 10/27/2020 (10:00 AM) LOCATION: Harvard / Bellows, Roseburg INCIDENT: Warrant Arrest CASE #: 204657 PERSON(S): (S) Glass-Morgan, Marissa Blayr (36) Roseburg, (S) Jordan, Gerald Delane (48) Roseburg CHARGE(S): Glass-Morgan – Warrant / Parole Violation (Oregon State Parole Board), Warrant / Failure to Appear (Roseburg Municipal), Offensive LitteringJordan – Offensive Littering VEHICLE(S): DETAIL(S): Both people were contacted sleeping under the I-5 overpass on Bellows Street after multiple complaints from the high school. There was trash and belongings strewn about everywhere on the ground and in the bushes. Both people were cited for offensive littering and Glass-Morgan was found to have two warrants for her arrest. DISPO: Cited and Released. PATROL: Roseburg Police OFFICER: RPD DATE/TIME: 10/27/2020 (12:56 PM) LOCATION: Pine / Washington, Roseburg INCIDENT: Non-Injury Traffic Collision CASE #: 204664 PERSON(S): (D1) Meeks, David Wayne (61) Azalea, (D2) Lee, Sharon Kay (76) Roseburg CHARGE(S): Meeks: Driving UninsuredFollowing Too Closely VEHICLE(S): Meeks: OR 251MGZ Silver 1995 Volvo 940, Lee: OR ZLR485 Green 2005 Nissan Altima DETAIL(S): Lee was traveling south in the right lane of Pine Street as she approached the intersection with Washington. The light turned yellow, so Lee came to a stop at the intersection. Meeks was traveling south behind Lee and was unable to stop in time.Meeks ran into the back of Lee's vehicle, causing moderate damage to both vehicles. All occupants were belted and the airbags in Meeks' Volvo deployed. No one was injured and neither vehicle needed a tow. DISPO: Traffic Collision. PATROL: Roseburg Police OFFICER: RPD DATE/TIME: 10/27/2020 (03:00 PM) LOCATION: 511 SE Stephens, Roseburg INCIDENT: Assault CASE #: 204538 PERSON(S): (S) Croucher, Dennis Andrew (31) Roseburg, (V) McClellan, John Edward (66) Roseburg CHARGE(S): Croucher – Assault II VEHICLE(S): DETAIL(S): On 10/19/20, Croucher allegedly punched McClellan in the right eye. On that date, Croucher was charged for Harassment. The following day McClellan went to Mercy Medical Center for pain to and around the eye and found out his orbital socket was fractured. Croucher was re-contacted and charged with assault based on the finding of the serious injury. DISPO: Lodged at Corrections. PATROL: Roseburg Police OFFICER: RPD DATE/TIME: 10/27/2020 (03:58 PM) LOCATION: 500 Block Hillside, Roseburg INCIDENT: Trespass CASE #: 204669 PERSON(S): (S) Myrvang, Ryan Marshall (40) Roseburg, (V) Moore, Torin Brett (57) Roseburg, (V) Cox, Nancy Lee (60) Roseburg CHARGE(S): Myrvang – Criminal Trespass IHarassment VEHICLE(S): DETAIL(S): Myrvang allegedly entered Moore's apartment, without permission, looking for items he believed Moore had. Moore told him to leave, but Myrvang continued to search the apartment for a couple of minutes. While searching the apartment, he pushed Cox. DISPO: Cited and Released. PATROL: Roseburg Police OFFICER: RPD DATE/TIME: 10/27/2020 (04:14 PM) LOCATION: Pine / Rice, Roseburg INCIDENT: Minor Injury Traffic Collision CASE #: 204670 PERSON(S): (D1) Schuyler, Madysne Lee (22) Myrtle Creek, (D2) Harnish Sr., Patrick Wayne (49) Myrtle Creek CHARGE(S): Schuyler: Unlawful Lane ChangeDriving Uninsured VEHICLE(S): Schuyler: OR 572DAN Silver 2007 Mazda 3, Harnish: OR M590714 Black 2007 Harley Davidson Ultra Classic DETAIL(S): Harnish was traveling south in the left lane of Pine, and Schuyler was traveling in the right lane as they approached the intersection with Rice. Schuyler attempted to make a left turn onto Rice from the right lane of Pine and turned directly into Harnish's motorcycle as he rode next to her.Harnish was knocked from the motorcycle and slid down the roadway. Harnish complained of leg and hip pain, and was transported to Mercy Medical Center via ambulance. Schuyler was uninjured. Harnish's motorcycle was towed by Roseburg Towing and Schuyler was able to drive hers away. DISPO: Traffic Collision.