Several Projects Underway at the Stewart Park Duck Pond
Several projects are progressing in front of the Duck Pond in Stewart Park. One project nearing completion is a new sign project we've been working on with several local organizations. More details about that to come soon! New garbage cans are being installed in front of the parking area at the pond as well. An irrigation line is being put in and a new culvert was installed to make the ground leveler and safer for people walking around. Lastly, more dirt is being brought in to bring the ground up to level next to the sidewalk. Lots of the dirt in front has eroded away into the pond. We are also hoping to get grass and some native plants put in. Lots of great things coming and they should all help the area significantly! Lots more info and updates to come!
That is so great that the duck pond is finally getting a new uplift done. My daughter and I love going there.
Oct 29, 2020