City Council Meeting Synopsis – November 9, 2020
1. Recognized the 100th birthday of Ms. Thelma Sayers by Proclamation. 2. Council President Cotterell reported and discussed two formal complaints submitted by Councilor Hicks. 3. Accepted H. Ronald Hughes’s resignation from the Planning Commission, with regrets. 4. Approved the minutes of the October 26, 2020 Council Meeting. 5. Cancelled the December 28, 2020 Council Meeting, reserving the option to call a special meeting should the need arise. 6. HTAG supported proposed changes to City ordinances pertaining to the establishment and operation of warming centers within the city limits as well as allowing vehicle camping within city limits. 7. Adopted Resolution No. 2020-20, entitled, “A Resolution Adopting the City of Roseburg’s Vehicle Camping Pilot Program.” 8. Adopted Resolution No. 2020-21, entitled, “A Resolution Authorizing an Interfund Loan from the Assessment Improvement Fund (340) to the Grant Fund (220).” 9. Read Ordinance No. 3543, entitled, “An Ordinance Amending Chapter 7.02 “Offenses” of the Roseburg Municipal Code,” for the first time. 10. Ms. Betsy Callaghan suggested Council allow live comments during meetings, encourage masks, handwashing and social distancing in the community, and to have at least one community member and one homeless person on the new Homeless Commission. 11. Read Ordinance No. 3544, entitled, “An Ordinance Adding Subsection 2.20 to the Roseburg Municipal Code Establishing a Homeless Commission,” for the first time.