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Free Children's Book Available To Help Children After Difficult Experiences

This is a very cool resource, especially for the Glide community! It's a story about a boy and his puppy who lose their home in a wildfire and how they process their feelings afterward. The Ford Family Foundation is giving away copies of this book to help support children through these difficult times. โค๏ธ ------------ ๐Ÿ“š๐Ÿถ Now available on Select Books This story of a boy and his puppy who lose their home in a wildfire helps children identify and name their feelings through Mabel the puppy's emotions โ€” fear, confusion, sadness, boredom. Finally, they arrive at a place where they feel safe and loved. By supporting children through difficult experiences, we can help them become resilient and grow stronger. Order a FREE copy to read along with the children in your life: