20 New Cases, 20 People Now Hospitalized Locally in Douglas County
(DCCRT) It has been a tumultuous week with COVID-19 in Douglas County! We are not the only ones seeing a surge in cases, as Oregon, the United States and in the World have all reported record numbers of new cases during the last seven days. HERE ARE A FEW STAGGERING LOCAL COVID-19 STATISTICS, ALONG WITH OUR UPDATED WEEKLY POSITIVE CASE CHART: Prior to November 1, 2020, the highest weekly total of new positive cases in Douglas County was 29. The week ending on November 7, 2020 we recorded 67 new positive cases, a 131% increase over our highest week and a new weekly record. Today, the week ending November 14, 2020, we recorded 148 new positive cases, a 120% increase over last week and another new weekly record. We had more new positive cases this last week (148), than we had in the first 152 days since our first case on March 8, 2020. We have had a record number of 215 new positive cases in the last two weeks in Douglas County, more than we had in the first 198 days (March 8-September 22). Before this week our highest daily total of hospitalized COVID-19 patients was 8 patients, today we hit a record of 20 hospitalized COVID-19 patients. We cannot stress enough the importance of staying healthy and doing everything YOU can to prevent the spread of this virus. Please keep your distance from others (6 feet or more); wash and sanitize your hands often; use and encourage the use of face coverings; cover your coughs and sneezes; clean and disinfect frequently used surfaces; and please, please stay home from work, school and ALL activities if you are sick. Please think about your actions, your activities, your gatherings, your visits and make sure they are COVID safe for everyone involved. Douglas County COVID-19 Test Results: As of 12:00 pm today, Saturday, November 14, 2020, there are NINETEEN (19) people with new positive test results and ONE new presumptive since our noon case update yesterday*. The total number of cases (people with positive test results and presumptive) in Douglas County is now at 613*. Currently, there are TWENTY (20) Douglas County COVID-19 patients that are being hospitalized locally. Our Douglas County COVID-19 Response Team, under the direction of the Douglas County Board of Commissioners, Dr. Bob Dannenhoffer, our Public Health Officer and Douglas Public Health Network continue to dedicate all resources available to our local COVID efforts. Local Cases Being Supported in Isolation and Quarantine Currently, DPHN is supporting 174 cases in isolation, as well as another 489 contacts in quarantine in Douglas County. Isolation is recommended for confirmed and presumptive cases, quarantine is recommended for contacts of confirmed or presumptive cases. Currently, staff is supporting an astonishing 663 total contacts in isolation or quarantine. This number represents a snapshot of the significant amount of work being done by our county and Douglas Public Health Network to help control the spread of COVID-19. Getting Tested & Testing Clinics The next drive-through testing clinic will be Tuesday, November 17, 2020, in Roseburg. As a reminder, if you are having symptoms of COVID-19 including cough, fever, shortness of breath, muscle aches and pains, diarrhea, sore throat or decreased sense of smell and taste, talk to your health care provider about being tested for COVID-19. Patients without a Primary Care Provider, that are looking for a COVID-19 test should contact the Sutherlin Aviva Health Clinic at (541) 459- 3788. The first drive-through testing site was piloted in the county on March 17, 2020, there have been 1877 people tested in 90 drive-through clinics, while additional testing continues in hospitals, urgent cares and clinics. The drive-through clinics are led by DPHN, in conjunction with partner agencies including; Douglas County COVID-19 Response Team, Douglas County Board of Commissioners, Douglas County Sheriff’s Office, Douglas County Public Works, local volunteers and local health professionals. Facebook Live with Dr. Bob Please join us Tuesday, November 17, 2020 at 6:00 pm for the next Facebook Live event with Dr. Bob. hosted by DPHN on the DPHN Facebook page. Dr. Bob Dannenhoffer, our Douglas County Public Health Officer will continue their normal schedule of Facebook “Live Q&A Updates” next week with both his Tuesday night at 6:00 pm and Friday night at 4:00 pm on the DPHN Facebook page. Residents are still able to submit their COVID-19 questions to Dr. Bob during the live shows, but you can also email your questions to: Facebookquestions@douglaspublichealthnetwork.org. Dr. Bob and the DPHN team will do their best to respond to as many questions as they can during their weekly updates. Douglas County Resource/COVID-19 Hotline: (541) 464-6550: Douglas County Commissioners and Douglas Public Health Network have added a resource and referral service to the current COVID-19 hotline for Douglas County residents. The added service will help residents get connected to resources and services due to the local wildfires. Referral and resource information will be available about local emergency shelters, livestock and animal boarding options, donation locations, volunteer opportunities, welfare check referrals, food and water resources and help with health and wellness questions. This is NOT the hotline for Fire Updates or Evacuation information. Please contact or follow DFPA and DCSO for the most up-to-date wildfire information. The Resource/COVID-19 Hotline is (541) 464-6550. It is staffed from 8:00 am to 5:00 pm, 7 days a week until further notice.