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City of Roseburg Approves Vehicle Camping Pilot Program

Roseburg OR – The Roseburg City Council, at their November 9, 2020 meeting, approved a pilot program that will temporarily allow overnight vehicle camping within the City limits. Property owners, who want to participate in the program, can download an application here and return it to the City Community Development Department at Starting in January 2020, City Council prioritized one of their six goals to address the unhoused within the community. Since then, Council and City staff have worked carefully to come up with solutions to address this important issue. Vehicle camping, which is allowed in other Oregon cities, was identified as a potential strategy to mitigating the impacts of homelessness within the community. In August 2020, Council directed staff to begin work on updates to the Roseburg Municipal Code that would allow for vehicle camping. “We looked at what other cities were doing in regard to vehicle camping and found a great program from the City of Salem,” says Stuart Cowie, Community Development Director. “The program would require private property owners to apply through the City, and meet certain criteria in order to participate. For instance, a staff person or volunteer must be present overnight, adequate restroom facilities need to be provided, and other requirements are the responsibility of the property owner.” The program would allow for a maximum of three locations within the City, and no more than six vehicles may be served per location. Each location must comply with specific operational rules, some of which are listed here: · Each property must be operated by a non-profit, public, or commercial entity, and not located within or adjacent to a residential zone or property currently used for residential use. · Daily hours of operation are limited to 9:00 pm to 7:00 am. · The property owner may not charge a fee for the use of the property for camping. · Camping is limited to vehicles only, and not tents or other improvised camps. · Each property owner must provide one 32-gallon garbage container per vehicle on the premises. · Each vehicle camping site must be located on a paved surface within an established parking lot. · All vehicles within each camping location must be licensed and registered. Other rules, in addition to those listed above, must be followed and can be reviewed by downloading a copy here or by contacting the Community Development Department at or 541-492-6750. To download a Vehicle Camping Registration Form, please follow this link here. Forms can also be found on the City’s website, Interested applicants can also obtain a form by contacting the Community Development Department. Applications will be accepted and reviewed on a first-come, first-serve basis. The pilot program is temporary, and will expire on November 30, 2021. Following its expiration, the City will evaluate the program’s effectiveness and make a determination on its continuation. For more information, please go to, email, or call 541-492-6700. Photo by Tobias Tullius