Roseburg Police Logs for 11/17/2020
PATROL: Roseburg Police OFFICER: RPD DATE/TIME: 11/17/2020 (11:00 AM) LOCATION: 800 Block Highland, Roseburg INCIDENT: Warrant Arrest CASE #: 203006, 204961, 202102 PERSON(S): (S) Mulvaney, Jeremy Leon (47) Roseburg, (S) Hunt, Jamie Marie (30) Roseburg CHARGE(S): Mulvaney – Warrant / Probation Violation (Douglas County Community Corrections), Warrant / Failure to Appear (Roseburg Municipal Court)Hunt – Warrant / Failure to Appear (Roseburg Municipal Court) VEHICLE(S): DETAIL(S): Mulvaney and Hunt were contacted in the area and were arrested on the listed warrants. DISPO: Lodged at Corrections. PATROL: Roseburg Police OFFICER: RPD DATE/TIME: 11/17/2020 (04:15 PM) LOCATION: 1036 Douglas, Roseburg INCIDENT: Warrant Arrest CASE #: 204468 PERSON(S): (S) Bledsoe, William (49) Roseburg CHARGE(S): Warrant – Failure to Appear (Roseburg Municipal) VEHICLE(S): DETAIL(S): Bledsoe was contacted in the area and he was arrested on the listed warrant. DISPO: Cited and Released. PATROL: Roseburg Police OFFICER: RPD DATE/TIME: 11/17/2020 (06:00 PM) LOCATION: Stephens / Oak, Roseburg INCIDENT: Non-Injury Traffic Collision CASE #: 204966 PERSON(S): (D1) Younker, Donald Douglas (63) Roseburg, (D2) Hoover, Joy Anne (71) Roseburg CHARGE(S): Younker: Dangerous Left Turn VEHICLE(S): Younker: blue 2018 GMC Sierra (UT N2DME), Hoover: gray 2019 Nissan Altima (OR 709LLW) DETAIL(S): Hoover was driving northbound on Stephens crossing the intersection with Oak when Younker turned left onto Stephens from Oak causing Hoover to collide into the right side of Younker’s truck. An investigation revealed Hoover had a green light and Younker turned left on a red light. There were no reported injuries. Hoover's car was towed by Roseburg Towing. Younker drove from the scene after fixing a flat tire. DISPO: Traffic Collision.