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Roseburg Police Logs for 11/20 to 11/22/2020

PATROL: Roseburg Police OFFICER: RPD DATE/TIME: 11/20/2020 (08:04 AM) LOCATION: 1830 NE Stephens, Roseburg (Let It Be Laundry) INCIDENT: Trespass CASE #: 204995 PERSON(S): (S) Woodward, Richard Anthony (31) Roseburg, (S) Myers, Haily Nicole (26) Roseburg CHARGE(S): Both - Criminal Trespass II VEHICLE(S): White Ford with Van Oregon license plate 537GSX DETAIL(S): Officers responded to Let It Be Laundry for a report of two people sleeping in a business owned van on the property. The owner of the van told officers the two had no right to be sleeping inside her vehicle. DISPO: Cited and Released. , , , , , PATROL: Roseburg Police OFFICER: RPD DATE/TIME: 11/20/2020 (08:46 AM) LOCATION: 3030 Aviation, Roseburg (Shari’s) INCIDENT: Stolen Vehicle CASE #: 204996 PERSON(S): (S) Wright, Kristen Anne (38) Roseburg, (V) Hoke, Donald James (57) Sutherlin CHARGE(S): Wright – Unauthorized Use of a Motor Vehicle VEHICLE(S): White 2000 Chevrolet Express (OR 969BRU) DETAIL(S): Officers were dispatched to Shari's at 3030 Aviation Drive to recover a stolen vehicle that was reported to be parked there. Officers located the vehicle parked at the corner of the building and arrested Wright, who was sleeping inside. The owner, Hoke, was notified and he came to recover the vehicle. DISPO: Lodged at Corrections. PATROL: Roseburg Police OFFICER: RPD DATE/TIME: 11/20/2020 (09:57 AM) LOCATION: 177 Garden Valley, Roseburg (Garden Valley Mini Mart) INCIDENT: Warrant Arrest CASE #: 204997 PERSON(S): (S) Campos, Joseph Charles (36) Roseburg CHARGE(S): Warrant – Failure to Appear (Douglas County Sheriff’s Office) VEHICLE(S): DETAIL(S): Campos was contacted in the area and was arrested on a warrant. DISPO: Lodged At Corrections. PATROL: Roseburg Police OFFICER: RPD DATE/TIME: 11/20/2020 (04:00 PM) LOCATION: 400 Block NE Stephens, Roseburg INCIDENT: Warrant Arrest CASE #: 205004 PERSON(S): (S) Robinson, Joey Allen (49) Roseburg CHARGE(S): Warrant – Failure to Appear (Douglas County Sheriff’s Office) VEHICLE(S): DETAIL(S): Officers contacted Robinson during a traffic stop and arrested him on the listed warrant. DISPO: Cited and Released. PATROL: Roseburg Police OFFICER: RPD DATE/TIME: 11/20/2020 (10:00 PM) LOCATION: 1800 Block Diamond Lake, Roseburg INCIDENT: Resisting Arrest CASE #: 205007 PERSON(S): (S) Welsh, Joann (59) Roseburg CHARGE(S): Resisting Arrest VEHICLE(S): DETAIL(S): Welsh was contacted in the area and her probation officer asked that Welsh be arrested for failing to report as required. Welsh resisted being arrested, but officers were able to place her in handcuffs without further issues. DISPO: Lodged at Corrections. PATROL: Roseburg Police OFFICER: RPD DATE/TIME: 11/21/2020 (01:20 AM) LOCATION: 100 Block Miller, Roseburg INCIDENT: Warrant Arrest CASE #: 205009 PERSON(S): (S) Irwin, Joshua (47) Roseburg CHARGE(S): Warrant – Failure to Appear (Douglas County Sheriff’s Office) VEHICLE(S): DETAIL(S): Irwin was contacted inside an abandoned house after neighbors saw flashlights inside. Irwin was arrested on the listed warrant. DISPO: Cited and Released. PATROL: Roseburg Police OFFICER: RPD DATE/TIME: 11/21/2020 (08:38 AM) LOCATION: 300 Block Harvard, Roseburg INCIDENT: Violating of Court Stalking Order CASE #: 205011 PERSON(S): (S) Rowe, Stephen Michael (54) Roseburg, (V) Smith, Michelle Elise (50) Roseburg CHARGE(S): Rowe – Violating a Court Stalking Protective Order VEHICLE(S): DETAIL(S): Officers responded to a reported violation of a stalking order. They contacted the victim, Smith, and she reported her ex-boyfriend, Rowe, followed her to a gas station and talked to her. Smith currently has a stalking protective order in place preventing Rowe from having contact with her. Rowe was contacted and arrested for violating the order. DISPO: Lodged at Corrections. PATROL: Roseburg Police OFFICER: RPD DATE/TIME: 11/21/2020 (07:14 PM) LOCATION: 2125 Stewart Parkway, Roseburg (Walmart) INCIDENT: Theft CASE #: 205016 PERSON(S): (S) Potter, Jacob Stanton (31) Coos Bay CHARGE(S): Theft II VEHICLE(S): DETAIL(S): Potter was stopped by loss prevention for allegedly stealing approximately $106 of miscellaneous clothing. DISPO: Cited and Released. PATROL: Roseburg Police OFFICER: RPD DATE/TIME: 11/21/2020 (09:30 PM) LOCATION: 2125 Stewart Parkway, Roseburg (Walmart) INCIDENT: Theft CASE #: 205017 PERSON(S): (S) Batson, Suzette M (54) Roseburg CHARGE(S): Theft II, Warrant – Failure to Appear (Cottage Grove Municipal) VEHICLE(S): DETAIL(S): Batson was caught shoplifting by Walmart loss prevention. Batson was charged with theft and she additionally had the listed warrant for her arrest. DISPO: Cited and Released. PATROL: Roseburg Police OFFICER: RPD DATE/TIME: 11/22/2020 (01:10 AM) LOCATION: 161 Rifle Range, Roseburg INCIDENT: Assault CASE #: 205019 PERSON(S): (S) Shryock, Christina Cheyenne (22) Roseburg, (V) Sanko, Jordan Kent (26) Glide CHARGE(S): Shryock – Assault IV VEHICLE(S): DETAIL(S): Shryock allegedly assaulted Sanko during a disturbance at Shryock’s residence. Sanko had minor injuries from the assault, and Shryock’s minor child was in the residence during the disturbance. DISPO: Lodged at Corrections. PATROL: Roseburg Police OFFICER: RPD DATE/TIME: 11/22/2020 (08:45 AM) LOCATION: 400 Block Spruce, Roseburg INCIDENT: Warrant Arrest CASE #: 204058 PERSON(S): (S) Morris, Thomas Anthony (69) Roseburg CHARGE(S): Warrant – Failure to Appear (Roseburg Municipal) VEHICLE(S): DETAIL(S): Morris was contacted in the area and was arrested on the listed warrant. DISPO: Cited and Released. PATROL: Roseburg Police OFFICER: RPD DATE/TIME: 11/22/2020 (09:00 AM) LOCATION: 410 Spruce, Roseburg INCIDENT: Warrant Arrest CASE #: 205023 PERSON(S): (S) Ozmon, Joshua Keith (38) Roseburg CHARGE(S): Warrant – Failure to Report as a Sex Offender (Roseburg Police Department), Warrant – Failure to report as ma Sex Offender (Coos County), Warrant – Parole Violation (Oregon State Parole Board), Failure to Report as a Sex Offender. VEHICLE(S): DETAIL(S): Officers contacted Ozmon at Riverside Park and learned he had the above listed warrants. He was additionally charged with failing to report as a sex offender, as it appears he hasn’t registered in over a year. DISPO: Lodged at Corrections. PATROL: Roseburg Police OFFICER: RPD DATE/TIME: 11/22/2020 (11:30 AM) LOCATION: 1100 Block Mill, Roseburg INCIDENT: RPD CASE #: 205025 PERSON(S): (S) Mora, Andrew Michael (25) Roseburg CHARGE(S): Warrant – Probation Violation (Douglas County Community Corrections) VEHICLE(S): DETAIL(S): Mora was contacted in the area and was arrested on the listed warrant. DISPO: Lodged at Corrections. PATROL: Roseburg Police OFFICER: RPD DATE/TIME: 11/22/2020 (05:36 PM) LOCATION: 2125 Stewart Parkway, Roseburg (Walmart) INCIDENT: Theft CASE #: 205027 PERSON(S): (S) Osburn, Rad Cameron (20) Roseburg CHARGE(S): Theft II VEHICLE(S): DETAIL(S): Osburn was charged with theft after allegedly stealing merchandise from Walmart. DISPO: Cited and Released. PATROL: Roseburg Police OFFICER: RPD DATE/TIME: 11/22/2020 (07:00 PM) LOCATION: 1900 Block Diamond Lake, Roseburg INCIDENT: Warrant Arrest CASE #: 195652 & 202201 PERSON(S): (S) Davis, Leroy Riley (51) Roseburg CHARGE(S): Warrant – Failure to Appear (Douglas County Circuit Court), Warrant – Failure to Appear (Roseburg Municipal) VEHICLE(S): DETAIL(S): Davis was contacted regarding an unrelated investigation and he was arrested on the listed warrants. DISPO: Cited and Released.