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Mercy Makes Changes Vistor Guidelines Due To Increase In Patient Load

Mercy Medical Center has made changes to it's visitor guidelines because of the increasing number of patients Mercy is caring for and the pressure on staff. They're instituting emergency changes to their Visitor Guidelines. Effective Friday, November 27: Visiting Hours will be from 2-6 p.m. every day Outpatients No Longer Allowed Visitors Due to facility space limitations and Mercy's ability to manage both social distancing and the OR-OSHA’s cleaning protocols for public areas, patients going in for outpatient services will no longer be allowed a visitor. Outpatients includes the following services: Day surgery, imaging, lab, heart center procedures, wound care, infusion services, pulmonary function SB1606 exception applies. Effective Wednesday, November 25: COVID Positive Patients: No Visitors Exceptions: • Compassionate care for patients at end of life • Patient has a disability that requires assistance with making care decisions or with daily living activities. SB1606 exception applies. What’s Not Changing: • Emergency Department patients may continue to have one visitor, unless: The ER patient is admitted, the visitor may accompany the patient to their room, but is asked to leave promptly after patient is settled if it is before or after visiting hours • Family BirthPlace patients may have one support person, no visitors • For inpatients without a COVID diagnosis, one visitor per day (only during new visiting hours of 2-6 p.m.) -Pediatric Patients may have both parents with them (So two visitors). • No visitors under the age of 12 Visitors must comply with PPE requirements and might be excluded from having visitation privileges if they fail to pass the screening process.