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Wrappin and Rollin Opens New Downtown Roseburg Location

After four years of working out of their food truck, Wrappin and Rollin has opened a new downtown Roseburg location to serve its customers. It was always their goal to open an indoor seating experience. That became a reality last Tuesday as they opened at 533 SE Main Street right next door to Old Soul Pizza. They will share outdoor seating with Old Soul until indoor seating becomes available again due to state restrictions. Wrappin and Rollin, which creates fresh, organic vegan food will have their Grand Opening Wednesday, December 16 from 11-8 p.m. They will have goodie bags along with free and discounted food tickets. “An opportunity came up that we could not pass up, so here we are,” Owner Darcie Hawkins said. “We had our soft opening Tuesday the 8th and it was a huge success. We have a pretty good following at the truck, so I think people are pretty excited to be able to wait for their take-out food inside now that it’s so cold out.” The food truck will still remain a part of the business as there isn’t a kitchen in the new location yet. “We are still using our food truck as a kitchen, since there’s no kitchen here,” Hawkins said. “We park our truck behind the building. We are solely using the space for indoor seating (when that’s available) but using the outdoor heated seating with Old Soul for now. We have always wanted indoor seating, so this is a perfect fit for us for the perfect price.” Hawkins plans on expanding its hours to provide a dinner option as well with the new location. Their hours will be updated on their Facebook page but this week they will be Tuesday 11-3, Thursday & Friday 11-3, 5-8 and just dinner Saturday 4-8 p.m. “Not sure about putting a kitchen in just yet,” Hawkins said. “Trying to play it smart during these uncertain times.”