Local Organizations Team Up For Roseburg Frosty 5k & Fun Run
Safe Routes to School, Blue Zones Project Umpqua, and Roseburg Parks/Rec are putting on a self-guided Fun Run for the community over Winter Break. We invite kids and adults alike to participate! There is a Kids Course (less than a mile) for younger kids and a full 5K course (3.1 miles) for older kids/adults looking for a challenge. WHO: Everyone! (All kids and adults in the community) WHAT: Frosty 5K & Fun Run WHERE: Stewart Park Path to Train to Fir Grove Soccer Fields Start Line is next to the wayfinding sign at the Duck Pond. Kids course ends at the train and is 0.8 miles long. The 5K course (for older kids/adults) continues past the train, loops around Fir Grove Soccer fields, and ends back near the Duck Pond. It’s an out-and-back 3.1 mile course. WHEN: Friday, Dec. 18 - Sunday, Jan. 3 WHY: To stay active, have fun, and be entered to win prizes! Enter info at https://bit.ly/FrostyFunRun to enter prize giveaways Prizes: we have prizes for people of all ages! Toys, books, puzzles, art supplies, tennis shoes, etc. for kids, and Bluetooth headphones, speakers, and gift cards to local restaurants for teens/adults! COST: FREE! This is a self-guided course that should be completed with family members or as an individual (for those who are old enough). Wear festive attire to spread cheer and be entered to win extra prizes! Participants should maintain social-distancing guidelines while participating. We will post updates/info throughout the duration of the event on Douglas County Safe Routes to School’s Facebook page. See https://www.facebook.com/DoCoSafeRoutes