Roseburg Police Logs for 12/16/2020
PATROL: Roseburg Police OFFICER: RPD DATE/TIME: 12/16/2020 (03:44 PM) LOCATION: 1700 Block SE Jackson, Roseburg INCIDENT: Disorderly Conduct CASE #: 205363 PERSON(S): (S) Kindel, Nicholas J.L. (31) Roseburg, (V) Rogers, Nichelle K. (31) Roseburg CHARGE(S): Robbery III, Theft II, Harassment, Disorderly Conduct II VEHICLE(S): DETAIL(S): An investigation of disturbance at a residence in the area revealed Kindel used physical force to keep Rogers from taking her car keys and cell phone back from him. DISPO: Lodged at Corrections. PATROL: Roseburg Police OFFICER: RPD DATE/TIME: 12/16/2020 (04:15 PM) LOCATION: Garden Valley / Newcastle, Roseburg INCIDENT: Non-Injury Traffic Collision CASE #: 205364 PERSON(S): (D1) Griffith, Corey (28) Sutherlin, (D2) Stromberg, Devin (31) Sutherlin CHARGE(S): Griffith – Dangerous Left Turn VEHICLE(S): (Griffith) 2008 Blue Subaru Impreza, (Stromberg) 1991 Grey Ford Ranger DETAIL(S): Stromberg was driving westbound on Garden Valley and Griffith was in the center turn lane. Griffith did not see Stromberg and turned toward Newcastle Street, striking Stromberg’s vehicle. Neither party was injured. Stromberg arranged for a friend to tow his vehicle and Roseburg Towing responded for Griffith's vehicle. DISPO: Traffic Collision. PATROL: Roseburg Police OFFICER: RPD DATE/TIME: 12/16/2020 (07:00 PM) LOCATION: 2300 Block Stewart Parkway, Roseburg INCIDENT: Warrant CASE #: 205309 PERSON(S): (S) Ogden-Sander, Tanner Lawrence (25) Roseburg CHARGE(S): Warrant – Disorderly Conduct (Roseburg Police Department) VEHICLE(S): DETAIL(S): Officers contacted Ogden-Sander in the area and he was arrested on the listed warrant. DISPO: Lodged at Corrections.