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Roseburg Schools Plan Return To In-Person Instruction For All Students Jan 25

5:00 PM · Jan 7, 2021

(RPS) The Roseburg Public Schools Board of Directors voted at Wednesday night’s meeting to return all students to in-person learning on January 25. The Board considered several options for returning students in all grades to classrooms and heard from dozens of parents, teachers and community members about their experiences over the past several months. RPS Superintendent Jared Cordon said he was deeply moved by the heartfelt testimonials of those at the meeting, as well as those he has heard throughout the school year. “While opinions varied over how we should proceed with reopening, one truth became immediately evident: We are surrounded by a community that cares deeply for our kids,” Cordon said. “The district and our Board members value the opinions of each and every one of our parents, students and community members. In this extraordinary time in our lives, finding a perfect solution is simply not an option. But we are committed to making sure that this reopening process occurs in the safest and most thoughtful manner possible.” The School Board, having weighed the benefits and challenges of the options presented, voted to reopen to all grades starting January 25. The district will plan to welcome students in kindergarten through fifth-grade back to full-time in-person learning on this date. Students in grades six through 12 will also be invited to return to in-person learning through the hybrid model on January 25. The hybrid model involves a mixture of in-person and remote learning. Due to the continued state health and safety mandates, which require us to maintain limited cohort sizes, this model is currently our only option for 6-12 students. All families will be given the option to remain in remote learning if they prefer. Cordon said the district is eager to welcome students back to schools. “We know that many families have struggled greatly this school year, and we believe that this plan will serve the greatest needs of our students,” he said. The district will be sharing more details with families about next steps for preparing for January 25 over the next few days. As has always been the case this year, the district will continue to work with local public health authorities to ensure the plan is prudent, and will continue to monitor local COVID cases and watch for additional guidance from the state. Plans to offer Limited In-Person Instruction opportunities for students in all grades starting the week of January 11 will proceed.