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OSAA Fall Sports Season To Begin Practicing In February

Fall sports will finally begin practicing coming up in February for local high school athletes who have had their season postponed from the fall. Soccer, Cross Country and Volleyball all begin official practice at Roseburg high school on February 22. Cross Country and Soccer, as outdoor sports, are permitted by the Governor’s Office and OHA in all counties. But volleyball as an indoor activity, is tied to the Governor’s County Risk Level Guidance and only allowed in those counties deemed as Lower, Moderate, or High Risk. Douglas County is currently in the High Risk Level. That risk level is based on Covid-19 case counts in the county over two week time frames. Football begins practice on February 8. Full contact football remains on the Governor’s prohibited list of activities at this time. Season 1 will continue until February 21, 2021 which allows training, workouts and even competitions to occur in those areas of the state that are allowed per the Governor’s Office, OHA guidance, and local school district policy. Workouts have already began in all four sports at Roseburg High School. For more information checkout: