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New Information Kiosk & Signs Installed at the Ponds in Stewart Park

A new information kiosk and educational signs have been installed at the ponds in Stewart Park by Fred Meyer. One of the goals of the project was to help the community learn more about all the animals and birds that frequent the ponds and natural area. The project has been a collaboration of several local organizations and individuals. The City of Roseburg Parks Department, Wildlife Safari, Umpqua Valley Audubon Society, and ODFW. Romtec, a local manufacturer helped contribute the very nice kiosk that is home to the new information signs. Big thank you to Leila Goulet, Diana Wales, Kris Ammerman, Matthew Hunter, Brendon Demuth, Tracy Pope, William Cannaday, Beth Brown, Bill Fuller and Cory Dooley for all your contributions and work! There are still several improvement projects being worked on and I will keep you updated as those progress in the coming year.