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Roseburg City Council Meetings Synopsis – January 25, 2021

Roseburg City Council Meetings Synopsis – January 25, 2021 City Council Special Meeting 1. Council interviewed Christy Palmini, Betty Wagner, Ashley Hicks and Janelle Polcyn for the Planning Commission vacancy. City Council Meeting 1. Discussed Council Operating Policies and Procedure. 2. Authorized Staff to submit the statement to the news media, signed by the full Council. 3. Appointed Christy Palmini to the Planning Commission. 4. Appointed Steve Skenzick to the Airport Commission. 5. Appointed Leah Jones to the Economic Development Commission. 6. Dr. Gregory Brigham, Adapt CEO, provided a Sobering Center update. 7. Gabe Forrester, Douglas County Solid Waste Manager, provided Solid Waste Flow Control information. 8. Approved the January 11, 2021 City Council Meeting minutes. 9. Recommended approval of the OLCC new outlet application for the Wine Destination located at 526 SE Jackson Street in Roseburg, Oregon. 10. Recommended approval of the OLCC new outlet application for Hacienda Vieja Mexican restaurant located at 780 NW Garden Valley Boulevard #45 in Roseburg, Oregon. 11. Adopted Resolution No. 2021-02, entitled, “A Resolution Authorizing and Supporting Application for an Oregon Department of Transportation Oregon Community Paths Program Grant.” 12. Adopted Resolution No. 2021-03, entitled, “A Resolution Approving a Property Tax Exemption for UCAN Property located at 1844 SE Douglas Avenue in Roseburg, Oregon.” 13. Suellen Harrington suggested a designated area be set up for the homeless to camp and provide portable toilets, fresh water, hand washing stations, have a form to complete for entry, and use the information provided to navigate assistance. 14. Steve Granger asked to have the Duck Pond area cleaned up and enforce the laws to keep the area and trail systems clean and safe. 15. Betsy Cunningham suggested Council consider evaluating the efficacy of continuing to have the Prohibited Camping ordinance until there was a full accounting of what the local law had achieved and cost to the taxpayers before taking action to continue the public policy. 16. Adopted Ordinance No. 3547, entitled, “An Ordinance Amending Subsection 7.02.100(A), Prohibited Camping, of the Roseburg Municipal Code.” 17. Read Ordinance No. 3548, entitled, “An Ordinance Amending Chapter 5.04 of the Roseburg Municipal Code,” for the first time. 18. Read Ordinance No. 3549, entitled, “An Ordinance Amending Chapter 3.06 – Contracts, of the Roseburg Municipal Code,” for the first time. 19. Approved Roseburg Disposal Company’s request to implement the rate increase as described effective May 1, 2021. Roseburg Urban Renewal Agency Board Meeting 1. Approved the June 8, 2020 Meeting minutes. 2. Adopted Resolution No. UR-2021-01, entitled, “A Resolution Approving a Property Tax Exemption for UCAN Property located at 1844 SE Douglas Avenue in Roseburg, Oregon.”