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Roseburg Police Logs for 1/26/2021

PATROL: Roseburg Police OFFICER: RPD DATE/TIME: 01/26/2021 (11:28 AM) LOCATION: Diamond Lake / Casper, Roseburg INCIDENT: Non-Injury Traffic Collision CASE #: 210385 PERSON(S): (D1) Sandahl, Virginia Lucille (71) Sutherlin, (D2) Bibow, Jonathon Grant (35) Riddle CHARGE(S): Sandahl: Failure of Driver Entering Highway to Yield VEHICLE(S): Sandahl: OR 681HFB White 2015 Toyota Tacoma 2wd, Bibow: OR YCS1779 Yellow 2009 Peterbuilt loaded dual bunk log truck DETAIL(S): Bibow was traveling west in the inside lane of Diamond Lake as he approached the driveway near Subway. Sandahl was pulling out of the driveway with the intention of traveling west on Diamond Lake. Sandahl thought Bibow was traveling in the outside lane and ran directly into the driver's side of Bibow's truck.Neither party was injured and neither vehicle needed a tow. Bibow's truck sustained moderate damage, but the entire passenger side (bumper to bumper) of Sandahl's truck was severely damaged. DISPO: Traffic Collision. PATROL: Roseburg Police OFFICER: RPD DATE/TIME: 01/26/2021 (11:38 AM) LOCATION: 1430 Garden Valley, Roseburg INCIDENT: Warrant Arrest CASE #: 205435 PERSON(S): (S) Green, Edward Leon (37) Roseburg CHARGE(S): Warrant – Failure to Appear (Roseburg Police) VEHICLE(S): DETAIL(S): Green was contacted in the area and was cited and released on the listed warrant. DISPO: Cited and Released. PATROL: Roseburg Police OFFICER: RPD DATE/TIME: 01/26/2021 (12:00 PM) LOCATION: 250 Garden Valley, Roseburg INCIDENT: Warrant Arrest CASE #: 210387, 203006 PERSON(S): (S) Hunt, Jamie (30) Roseburg CHARGE(S): Warrant – Failure to Appear (Roseburg Police Department), Criminal Trespass II VEHICLE(S): DETAIL(S): Hunt was contacted at One Champion Plaza digging through a dumpster. The property manager told her to leave, but she refused. Hunt also had a warrant for her arrest. DISPO: Cited and Released. PATROL: Roseburg Police OFFICER: RPD DATE/TIME: 01/26/2021 (04:20 PM) LOCATION: 782 Garden Valley, Roseburg (Coastal) INCIDENT: Shoplifting CASE #: 210390 PERSON(S): (S) Buchanan, Molly Raye (28) Roseburg CHARGE(S): Unlawful Possession of Methamphetamine, Theft II VEHICLE(S): DETAIL(S): Buchanan allegedly stole clothing from Coastal. She was contacted nearby was found to possess Methamphetamine. DISPO: Lodged at Corrections. PATROL: Roseburg Police OFFICER: RPD DATE/TIME: 01/26/2021 (05:30 PM) LOCATION: 400 Block Umpqua, Roseburg INCIDENT: Probation Violation CASE #: 210391 PERSON(S): (S) Brown, Sean David (22) Roseburg CHARGE(S): Probation Violation, Unlawful Possession of Heroin VEHICLE(S): DETAIL(S): Officers contacted Brown after his Probation Officer wanted him detained for violating his probation conditions. He was taken into custody and was found to possess Heroin. DISPO: Lodged at Corrections.