Local Runners Compete and Win In Bristow Trail Run Last Saturday
Some Roseburg runners took to the road to compete in the Bristow Trail Run held at Elijah Bristow State Park in Dexter, Oregon last Saturday. Rachel Hawkins an Umpqua Valley Christian Teacher won the woman’s 25k race in 1:54:46.2. The event was apart of the Run Big Trail Series with 50k, 25k, 10m-mile and 5m-mile races. Other Roseburg runners included Jeff Lerbach (25k) 05:59.1 who took seventh place, Darren Simmie (25k) who took 10th in the men’s race. Ray Hull (10 mile) 50:05.2. and his son Titus Hull (5 mile) 44:15.5 also ran in the event along with Tyler Molatore (10 mile) 1:42:53.3. Greg and Robin Kovac of Roseburg ran the 50k event with Robin taking third with a time of 7:42:04.5. Greg Kovach and Ray Hull are training for a 24 hour run in July, and are looking at doing a 100 mile run later in the year. Photo of Rachel Hawkins.