Local Care Facility Outbreak Adds New Cases in Douglas County
Over the past two days, Douglas County has recorded 70 new COVID-19, with 33 cases traced to a local care facility in the area. This brings our weekly case total for Douglas County to 97 cases with three days to go. New School Cases Announced Shared from Roseburg Public Schools. In a notice released on February 9, 2021, Roseburg Public Schools Superintendent, Jared Cordon announced that they were notified by DPHN and Dr. Bob Dannenhoffer, our Douglas County Public Health Officer, of positive COVID-19 cases at both Winchester Elementary School in Winchester and Melrose Elementary in Roseburg. RPS officials have been very proactive in their approach in dealing with this event to help mitigate the spread of the virus. Below is a copy of the news release from RPS: “District responds to COVID-19 cases. The district received confirmation today from Douglas Public Health Network that one student at Winchester Elementary and one student at Melrose Elementary have tested positive for COVID-19. The district is working closely with DPHN to respond to this news and protect the health of our school community. At this time, the individuals who may have been exposed have been contacted and are at home self-isolating and monitoring for symptoms. In order to protect their privacy, this will be the only information released by the school and district about these individuals. Students who are in quarantine will transition temporarily to remote learning. School staff will be in touch with families to provide technology devices. In collaboration with the Douglas Public Health Network, we continue to maintain safety protocols and guidelines established by the Oregon Department of Education and the Oregon Health Authority in the Ready Schools, Safe Learners plan. For the most recent information about our schools, please visit the district website, www.roseburg.k12.or.us” Shared from McGovern Elementary School Facebook page. In a notice released on February 9, 2021, on their Facebook page, McGovern Elementary School announced that they were notified by DPHN and Dr. Bob Dannenhoffer, our Douglas County Public Health Officer, of a positive COVID-19 case at McGovern Elementary School in Winston. WDPS officials have been very proactive in their approach in dealing with this event to help mitigate the spread of the virus. Below is a copy of the news release from RPS: “Dear Students, Families, and Staff. We were notified by Douglas Public Health Network and Dr. Bob Dannenhoffer, our Douglas County Public Health Officer, that we have a person at McGovern Elementary School test positive for COVID-19. We are continuing to work very closely with Douglas Public Health to establish who needs to quarantine and to notify parents of the children in the cohort that the individual that tested positive was in. We are asking them to quarantine for 10 days. In this case the 10 days began on February 4 and will end on February 14. If your child was in the same cohort, or if you are a staff member that needs to quarantine, you will be notified by the school officials this evening. Douglas Public Health Network will work to contact you if you or your child need to quarantine. If you have general concerns or questions about COVID-19, please call the Douglas Public Health Network hotline at 541-464-6550, 7 days a week between 8-5:00 pm.” Shared from Glide School District. In a notice released on February 9, 2021, on their district website, Glide School District announced that they were notified by DPHN and Dr. Bob Dannenhoffer, our Douglas County Public Health Officer, of a positive COVID-19 case at Glide Elementary School in Glide. GSD officials have been very proactive in their approach in dealing with this event to help mitigate the spread of the virus. Below is a copy of the news release from GSD: “Dear GES Bobcats. We received word today, February 9th, that a Glide Elementary School employee has tested positive for COVID. All students that were in contact with this staff member have been notified. If you did not receive a phone call from GES, your child does not need to quarantine and will return to school on Tuesday, February 16th. In collaboration with the Douglas Public Health Network, we continue to maintain safety protocols and guidelines established by the Oregon Department of Education and the Oregon Health Authority in the Ready Schools, Safe Learners plan. The district is working closely with DPHN to respond to this news and protect the health of our school community. If you have any questions, please contact me on ParentSquare, via email (tbeard@glide.k12.or.us), or by phone (541-496-3524). Sincerely, Mrs. Tammy Beard”