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Douglas County Childcare Coalition Seeks To Address Childcare Need

The Douglas County Childcare Coalition formed last year with the goal of addressing childcare needs throughout the county. The intent of the group is to strategize as a community and develop a collective plan for childcare solutions for Douglas County. The coalition consists of business leaders, local government representatives, service agencies, schools and childcare providers. As a result of COVID-19, the immediate goal has been providing much needed supplies and support to childcare programs. The long-term goal in response to the overall childcare crisis is to develop a long-term strategy to ensure an adequate number of quality childcare programs are available for families. “We’re at a turning point in the road, were very focused on helping the providers who are open to stay open by offsetting their costs that they’ve seen from Covid-19,” Douglas Education Service District Coordinator Julie Hurley said. “We have been providing them with supplies, Wi-Fi boosters, trying to offset some of the large expenses they have had. Childcare programs are such an important part of our community and that’s why we are doing it.” The coalition is leveraging the existing research available including a report from The Ford Family Foundation on the gap in childcare between urban and rural areas. According to the Ford Family study ‘In 2019 the Center for American Progress reported that 90% of Oregon was in a childcare desert (an area where there is only one childcare slot for every three children who need care). Then the COVID-19 pandemic hit, childcare centers closed down, and many have yet to re-open. Child Care Aware of America estimates that Oregon’s statewide childcare capacity has declined by about 22% since March of 2020.’ “We’ve been doing learning and research, on other groups in Oregon who are doing similar things,” Hurley said. “We’re prioritizing things to move in that direction. We’re excited to work on that deficit. There is work being done at the state and federal level and how that applies to our community, in Douglas County, with unique needs in different areas to help providers grow and thrive.” The coalition is looking at ways to provide support to childcare facilities from a business perspective as well. “Looking at workforce salaries, infrastructure buildings and a shared service model is being piloted across Oregon,” Hurley said. “Small childcare centers could leverage the model to get the value of an economy of scale. Helping with collection of fees, bookkeeping, needing supplies at a bulk price, help with hiring and taxes.” Douglas ESD is handling the collection of donations on behalf of the Coalition. Items that can be donated include: Large bottles of bleach, Surface Cleaner, Laundry Detergent, Cleaning cloth towels, Empty Spray bottles, Paper Towels, Paper plates and bowls and School supplies - pens, pencils, glue sticks, markers, crayons, art and craft materials. To give financial donations make checks payable to Douglas ESD/DC Childcare Coalition. Donations can delivered by the end of February to: Douglas ESD Attn: Julie Hurley 1871 NE Stephens St. Roseburg, OR 97470 541-957-9454 To see the Ford Family study go to: