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Roseburg High School Theatre Presents Wizard of Oz

The Roseburg High School theatre department is releasing its latest production this week. The Wizard of Oz will be released online for public viewing starting this Friday, February 26th through Sunday, February 28th. Tickets are name-your-own-price, with a $5 minimum. Tickets can be purchased online at this website: Here's more information from the RHS Theatre page: "RHS Theatre presents Wizard of Oz! This show has been rehearsed and recorded all from student's homes, complete with DIY greenscreens, and edited by the production team to make the piece of theatre you are watching now. We invite you to embrace this brand new form of theatre, never before done by RHS, and enjoy the show! This show is on-demand, which means once you purchase a ticket, you can watch it as many times as you like during the weekend. We are also doing a 'name your own price' for this show ($5 minimum). We understand that times are hard, so we want to make this show as accessible as possible. With that said, if you are in a position and feel the desire to donate more, we thank you very much! All proceeds go back into the RHS theatre department, and help us bring you more shows, even in a distance setting like this year."