YMCA Staying Open, Moving To Reservation System Friday For Next Two Weeks
The Roseburg YMCA will be adjusting their gym as Douglas County will be placed back into the Extreme Covid Risk Category starting on Friday, February 26 through March 11. “We are very proud of how hard our members and employees have worked to respect the State Mandated guidelines and keep our community safe and our YMCA open these past 8 weeks,” YMCA of Douglas County Interim CEO Matt Lund said. “It has been noted by our Douglas County Commissioners and the Douglas Public Health Network that Fitness Facilities have not been the source of any outbreaks that have placed our county back into the Extreme Category. We greatly appreciate your continued support and hard work through the next two weeks.” Members will be the only ones allowed use the facilities on a reservation system to control the number of people in the gym at one time. The YMCA Facility hours will be Monday – Friday 5am-7pm. Certain activities will continue like Youth Sport Cohorts, Emergency Child Care, Outdoor Fitness Classes, Swim Team Cohorts, and the ADA/Reservation Studio. Lap Lane Reservation will continue along with non-contact sports like Pickleball. Other activities will be modified: · Weight Room/Cardio Room – Reservation only (Capacity Limit guideline restriction) · North Pool - Reservation Only (Capacity Limit guideline restriction) · Member Drop in for above modified reservation areas subject to availability The hot tub, sauna, swimming classes and basketball will be paused during the two weeks and the gym will be closed on Saturday’s and Sunday’s during the next two weeks. For reservation assistance, members can call 541-440-9622.