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Beulah Park Renovations Coming Soon

(City of Roseburg) Roseburg OR – Beulah Park, one of Roseburg’s largest and oldest neighborhood parks, is scheduled to receive extensive renovations this spring. Starting on March 1, 2021, the park will be closed to the public in order for the City to begin the process of installing new features that will enhance the character and beauty of the park. The Beulah Park Renovation Project will include new basketball court surfacing, shade trees, picnic tables, swing sets, artificial turf, and a brand new playground structure. The project is estimated to be completed in July 2021. Parks and Recreation Program Manager Kris Ammerman is excited about the new improvements. “Beulah Park has been enjoyed by many residents over the past few decades,” says Ammerman. “However, it is time for an upgrade. I am excited to see this project get underway. This is basically going to be a brand new park by the time we are done later this summer.” In addition to the new park features, a new ADA parking space and sidewalk will be installed to ensure that patrons of all ability levels can enjoy the park. The total cost of the project is estimated at $265,000. To assist in the project’s funding, the City was awarded a $150,000 grant from the Oregon Parks and Recreation Department’s Local Government Grant Program. This program helps fund public recreation projects across Oregon. Since the program’s inception in 1999, it has funded over $60 million in local government recreation projects. To learn more about the grant program, please visit their website here. The City of Roseburg thanks the Oregon Parks and Recreation Department for the generous grant to help fund the Beulah Park Renovation Project. Beulah Park is a 6.85-acre park located in northwest Roseburg at 1284 NE Beulah Street, between Lincoln and Nash Street. The neighborhood park consists of two acres of open grass area and nearly five acres of native green space. Situated at the top of a hill, the Park provides gorgeous views of downtown Roseburg and the surrounding areas. For more information about the Beulah Park Renovation Project, please contact the City’s Public Works Department at 541-492-6730 or