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Roseburg Police Log for March 3rd

PATROL: Roseburg Police OFFICER: RPD DATE/TIME: 03/03/2021 (02:05 AM) LOCATION: NE Stephens/Winchester, Roseburg INCIDENT: Warrant Arrest/DWS-V CASE #: 210956 PERSON(S): (S) Dewbre, Jason Dwayne (34) Roseburg CHARGE(S): Douglas County Circuit Court Warrant FTA Disorderly Conduct VEHICLE(S): Silver 2000 Chrysler mini van 156KBB DETAIL(S): Officer stopped the listed vehicle for a couple violations and contacted the driver, Dewbre, who they knew to be suspended. He also had the listed warrant for his arrest. DISPO: Dewbre was cited and released on scene for both the traffic violations and his warrant. PATROL: Roseburg Police OFFICER: RPD DATE/TIME: 03/03/2021 (09:45 AM) LOCATION: 2941 W. Lorraine, Roseburg INCIDENT: Domestic Disturbance CASE #: 210961 PERSON(S): (S)-Ibanez Salinas, Gerardo (25) Roseburg, (V)-Byington Kennedy, Victoria (21) Roseburg, (V)-8 month old female, Roseburg CHARGE(S): Strangulation-Felony (x2), Assault in the Fourth Degree-Felony VEHICLE(S): DETAIL(S): Officers investigated a disturbance and during the investigation it was discovered Gerardo allegedly restricted the breathing of the child and also struck and choked Victoria. DISPO: Gerardo was lodged at corrections. PATROL: Roseburg Police OFFICER: RPD DATE/TIME: 03/03/2021 (03:00 PM) LOCATION: 410 SE Spruce St. Roseburg INCIDENT: Drinking in Public/ Warrants CASE #: 210963,210965 PERSON(S): (ARR) Long, Burton Francis (40) Roseburg, (ARR) Galusha, Jennifer Marie (37) Roseburg, (ARR) Ponkka, Christopher Eric (35) Roseburg CHARGE(S): Long: Drinking in Public, Failure to Appear on a Roseburg Municipal Warrant for Criminal Trespass II, Failure to Appear on a Criminal Citation x2Galusha: Faiure to Appear on a Roseburg Municipal Warrant for Criminal Trespass I, Failure to Appear on a Criminal Citation, Failure to Appear on Criminal Matter/ Release Agreement.Ponkka: Drinking in Public VEHICLE(S): DETAIL(S): Galusha, Long, Mcknight and Ponkka were contacted under the Washington St. Bridge for blocking the bike path. During the contact Long and Ponkka were both in possession of open alcoholic beverages. All subjects were ran through LEDS/NCIC and Long and Galusha returned with the above warrants. DISPO: Jennifer was cited and released for the warrant, Burton was transported to Corrections where he was lodged for the warrant and issued a cited and released for Drinking in Public, Ponkka issued a citation for drinking in public. McKnight was cited for Littering Near WatersThe warrants were removed from LEDS/NCIC. PATROL: Roseburg Police OFFICER: RPD DATE/TIME: 03/03/2021 (03:30 PM) LOCATION: 550 SE Spruce (Rivderside Park)Roseburg INCIDENT: Warrant CASE #: 210488 PERSON(S): (S) Cunningham, Henry Theabald (60) Roseburg CHARGE(S): Warrant - Fail to Appear for Criminal Mischeif II (Roseburg Police) VEHICLE(S): DETAIL(S): Henry was contacted a Riverside Park and arrested on his warrant. DISPO: Henry was lodged at Corrections. PATROL: Roseburg Police OFFICER: RPD DATE/TIME: 03/03/2021 (05:55 PM) LOCATION: 770 NW Garden Valley Boulevard INCIDENT: Parole Violation CASE #: 210968 PERSON(S): (ARR) Mitchell, Nicholas Ryan (40) Roseburg CHARGE(S): Parole Violation. VEHICLE(S): DETAIL(S): While investigating a report of a male running in traffic, the officer contacted Nicholas Mitchell who matched the description provided by one of the witnesses.Nicholas was extremely intoxicated and wreaked of alcohol. The officer advised his Parole Officer of his condition and she agreed to detain him for violating his parole. DISPO: Nicholas was arrested for violating his parole and was lodged at the Douglas County Jail. PATROL: Roseburg Police OFFICER: RPD DATE/TIME: 03/03/2021 (10:02 PM) LOCATION: 2535 NW Stewart Pkwy, Roseburg INCIDENT: Trespass CASE #: 210970 PERSON(S): (S) Green, Edward Leon (37) Roseburg CHARGE(S): Criminal Trespass II VEHICLE(S): DETAIL(S): Edward walked onto McDonald's property after being previously trespassed. DISPO: Edward was cited and released. PATROL: Roseburg Police OFFICER: RPD DATE/TIME: 03/03/2021 (10:30 PM) LOCATION: 3094 NE Douglas, Roseburg INCIDENT: Recovered Missing Person CASE #: 210972 PERSON(S): (S) Mecum, Lily Lee (16), Roseburg CHARGE(S): VEHICLE(S): DETAIL(S): Mecum was located hiding in a house rented by her grandmother. Officers responded to the listed location and made contact with Mecum. DHS was contacted and responded to take control of Mecum. DISPO: Mecum was removed from LEDS/NCIC as a missing person. PATROL: Roseburg Police OFFICER: RPD DATE/TIME: 03/03/2021 (11:13 PM) LOCATION: 227 NE Kirby Ave., Roseburg. INCIDENT: Stalking CASE #: 210973 PERSON(S): S: Perelli, Thomas R (57); Roseburg., V: Gardner, Summer M (20); Roseburg., V: Kuykendall, Ethan D (19); Roseburg. CHARGE(S): Violating Court's Stalking Protective Order,, ORS 163.750 (2)(b), Class C Felony, X two (2) counts. VEHICLE(S): DETAIL(S): Investigation substantiated Perelli violated the court's stalking order(s) by entering onto the victim's property, and has been convicted in the past of stalking the same victim(s). DISPO: Perelli was arrested and lodged at Corrections.