200k Seedlings Have Arrived Destined for the Umpqua National Forest
(Umpqua National Forest) The newest members of the Umpqua National Forest are here! One step closer to their permanent homes, where they will aid in the revegetation of areas impacted by the Umpqua North Complex Fire and Archie Fire. The 200,000+ seedlings from J. Herbert Stone Nursery, on the Rogue-river Siskyou National Forest, have made their way to our tree coolers where they will be chillin until springtime. Our tree coolers provide long-term storage for the seedlings, but not without strict guidelines! These tree coolers, like most, have specific designs that make them capable of tree storage. This includes these units having the right insulation, cooling capacity and air circulation needed to maintain a constant temperature. Tree coolers need to stay within 33 to 34 degrees Fahrenheit and 95% or more relative humidity to provide the ideal storage conditions for seedlings. Seedlings can be sensitive to extreme temperature and moisture conditions, and their rate of survival can decrease if exposed to such. Interestingly, tree coolers use a basic design to maintain these highly specific conditions. The system has several evaporators with a hot gas bypass defrost, and the evaporators are on different defrost cycles. When one evaporator is defrosting, its fan is off, and the hot gas melts the ice off the coils quickly. Meanwhile, another evaporator is operating, maintaining the temperature in the cooler. We are happy the baby trees have arrived, and we cannot wait to watch them grow up and bring new life to the Umpqua National Forest. Stay tuned for more updates! Story via U.S. Forest Service - Umpqua National Forest