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Lone Rock Bridge - Glide, Oregon

The Lone Rock Bridge on Highway 138 sits over the North Umpqua River in Glide, Oregon. The bridge was built in 1954 as a replacement for the previous covered bridge. The State Library of Oregon had more on the previous bridge. "Lone Rock covered bridge over North Umpqua River at Glide in Douglas County, Oregon, was built in 1922 to replace a river ferry. The bridge was dismantled in 1958 and 1959 by Elmer Metzer, who helped to build it 37 years earlier. This was one of the few 3-span covered bridges in the state. Two spans were 120 feet long and the third span was 75 feet, making the total length at 315 feet. The total costs were $15,400 to construct. Note(s): Courtesy of State Library of Oregon. Black and white photograph by Ben Maxwell."