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Roseburg Police Log for March 15th

PATROL: Roseburg Police OFFICER: RPD DATE/TIME: 03/15/2021 (11:00 AM) LOCATION: 929 NW Garden Valley Blvd, Roseburg INCIDENT: Warrant CASE #: 204423 PERSON(S): S- Lang, Harry (66) Roseburg CHARGE(S): Warrant, Roseburg Municipal Court, FTA- Offensive Littering VEHICLE(S): DETAIL(S): Lang was contacted at Fred Meyer and had an FTA X5 on the above mentioned warrant. It was confirmed and cleared from LEDS with a new court date. DISPO: Cleared by arrest PATROL: Roseburg Police OFFICER: RPD DATE/TIME: 03/15/2021 (08:30 PM) LOCATION: NE Vine St and NE Alameda Ave INCIDENT: Non Injury Crash CASE #: 211152 PERSON(S): (D1C) Parson, Kyrstan M (18) Roseburg, (DR2) Buffinger, Tuesday Dawn (47) Roseburg CHARGE(S): (D1C) Driving While Suspended, Driving Uninsured VEHICLE(S): Parson: OR SQY790 Red Honda Civic, Buffinger: OR 242FWM Black Jeep Cherokee DETAIL(S): Buffinger was traveling east on NE Alamdea Ave. She came to a complete stop at the stop sign, which was at the corner of NE Alameda Ave and NE Vine St. Buffinger proceeded to continue traveling east when Parson drove right through her stop sign and crashed into Buffinger. Parson was traveling south on NE Vine St. Parson didn't see a stop sign at the intersection. Both vehicles were towed out of the roadway because they were undrivable. DISPO: Neither party was injured and Parson was cited. PATROL: Roseburg Police OFFICER: RPD DATE/TIME: 03/15/2021 (09:40 PM) LOCATION: 825 NE Huntley St. Roseburg INCIDENT: DUII CASE #: 205475 PERSON(S): (S) Van Rossum, Ashley Robyn (29) Roseburg CHARGE(S): DUII VEHICLE(S): 487CEX: Gray 2013 Dodge Avenger DETAIL(S): Van Rossum crashed into the Huntley apartments on 12/25/2020. At the conclusion of the investigation, there was probable cause to arrest Van Rossum for driving under the influence of intoxicants.She agreed to meet officers on 3/15/2021 at Bob's Deli where she was cited for DUII. DISPO: Cited and released. PATROL: Roseburg Police OFFICER: S.Dahl DATE/TIME: 03/15/2021 (10:00 PM) LOCATION: Stewart Park (2041 NW Stewart Park Drive) INCIDENT: Warrant CASE #: 211153 PERSON(S): (s) Lang, Harry Albert. (66) CHARGE(S): Failure to Appear on Criminal Citations. (Albany Police Department) VEHICLE(S): NA DETAIL(S): Officer contacted Harry Lang after seeing him sitting at the pavilion after hours. Dispatch advised he had a warrant out of the Albany Police Department and sent the cite and release information to my MDC. DISPO: Harry was cited and released on scene for the warrant and informed of park hours.