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Crater Lake Marks the 135th Anniversary of the Cleetwood

Built to carry out research on Crater Lake, a 900 pound, 26-foot long boat called Cleetwood and two skiffs traveled by train on July 1, 1886 from Portland, Oregon to Ashland, Oregon. Also on the train, to oversee the boats safe passage to Crater Lake were Mr. William Steel, Captain Clarence Dutton (a U. S. Geological Survey geologist), Captain George W. Davis (an engineer) and 10 Fort Vancouver soldiers. After arriving in Ashland, Oregon, the boats were secured to wagons in cradle like frames. The last mile and a half of the journey involved hauling the wagons over a very steep grade with rocks and tree roots. Tomorrow, July 14th marks the 135th anniversary of the Cleetwood and the two skiffs arrival at Crater Lake’s rim. The 1913 photo is of old Rim Road (later known as Rim Drive). Imagine what it was like in 1886 getting the 900 pound Cleetwood and the two skiffs up a much steeper grade with rocks and tree roots to maneuver around. [A man is guiding a plow and a team of horses on the uneven dirt Rim Road.] 1903 NPS Photo Via Crater Lake National Park