Jack Fire Containment Up to 20%, Fire at 15,248 Acres
The Jack Fire has grown to 15,248 acres by Thursday morning, July 15th. Yesterday aircraft was unable to fly and gather IR mapping data to determine the fire growth, so this is two day's worth of growth. This is good news as growth continues to slow. Containment on the fire has increased to 20% Thursday morning. Smoke Forecast Smoke from the Jack and Bootleg fires will be pushed east of those sources today, and in general, conditions will improve west of the Cascades compared to previous days. Evacuation Levels Decrease Yesterday the Douglas County Sheriff's Office announced a reduction in the evacuation levels in areas surrounding the Jack Fire. https://www.roseburgtracker.com/posts/60ef860eb45f6a00046485a6 Highway 138 could reopen by this weekend https://www.roseburgtracker.com/posts/60ef7079b45f6a0004648599 Umpqua National Forest has increased it's fire danger level to EXTREME as of today, July 15 https://www.roseburgtracker.com/posts/60ef8329b45f6a00046485a2 Photo of DFPA Squads 1,2,3, and 4, courtesy of Corbin Mandera. Big thank you to all the crews out working the Jack Fire.