Rough Patch Complex at 1,529 Acres, 3% Containment
2:17 AM · Aug 7, 2021Seasonal temperatures and higher humidities are expected to continue through the weekend, but temperatures will climb back into the 90s early next week, with possible Red Flag conditions Tuesday. “We need to take advantage of this moderated weather,” said Incident Commander Brian Gales for Northwest 13 IMT, which is managing the Rough Patch Complex, Jack Fire and several smaller fires in the area. “We need to engage in the right place, with the right tactics to maximize the resources we have.” For the safety of the public and firefighters battling the Rough Patch Complex and Jack Fire, several new closure orders are now in effect. The Umpqua and Willamette National Forests have closed Steamboat Campground, Steamboat Falls Campground, Canton Creek Campground, Musick Guard Station and Mineral Campground. Roseburg District Bureau of Land Management has closed Francis Creek Road from the junction with Canton Creek Road north to the district boundary. Copies of all closures and maps can be found at By the end of the day Thursday, the Rough Patch Complex has spread to 1,529 acres with containment of 3 percent. The Jack Fire has grown to 23,644 acres. Its containment percentage has dropped to 54 percent in recent days due to the addition of several lightning-caused starts outside previously built containment lines. On the Rough Patch Complex, firefighters continue building an alternate line along the 650 Road across the fire zone and along the 651 Road. Prep is also progressing on a contingency line along the 3821 Road and the 100 Spur. To the west, crews are preparing the 23 road and 600 Road for mastication. The western edge of the Chaos Fire has nearly reached the bottom of Canton Creek. Fire managers are evaluating potential strategies for containment if it moves into the Saddle Camp Creek drainage to the northwest. Aviation support from five helicopters helped keep fires within the complex in check. Fire crews continue to build alternate and containment lines within the fire perimeters and mop up work including snag and hazard tree removal and mastication. Western spread of the Jack Fire will be checked using existing containment line backed up with firing operations to secure the line.