Containment of Skyline Ridge Complex Grows to 34%
7:15 PM · Aug 15, 2021The Poole Creek Fire has a completed control line around it, crews will continue with mop-up today. Mopping up is very detailed, digging out burning roots and using water to remove all remaining heat. Containment has climbed to 34%.At this stage in the fire residents and visitors can expect to see a red glow at night, especially within the interior of the fire. Smoke and occasional flare ups may still be visible. Firefighters and engines will continue to patrol the fire 24/7 until it is no longer required. Although mopping up is now the main focus, crews have a number of other tasks to complete. They will also be locating, identifying and mitigating hazard trees. Also referred to as snags, these pose a serious hazard to firefighters. Snags are standing dead trees that are prone to unexpectedly falling. Crews will also be installing waterbars, which are important to help prevent erosion from seasonal rains. Water bars divert rain to control erosion of hand lines and dozer lines created during fire suppression. Fire teams from both the Skyline Ridge and Devil’s Knob complexes held a joint in-person community meeting last night in Tiller. The event will be posted on the Douglas Fire Protection Association's YouTube channel and the Skyline Ridge Complex Facebook Page. DFPA's YouTube channels link is Update and photos via IC