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Mystic Mountain Fire Burned 55 Acres, Crews Nearing Full Containment

Firefighters assigned to the Mystic Mountain Fire continue to make good progress toward full containment of the incident. Overnight, crews completed the construction of fire trails and installed hose lays around the perimeter of the fire before shifting their efforts to mop-up operations. Today, 70 firefighters are assigned to the fire and are working to extinguish the smoking and smoldering materials within the burned area. Mapping of the Mystic Mountain Fire was also completed today using GPS coordinates which put the final fire size at 55 acres. The increase in acreage is due to more accurate mapping rather than additional fire growth. Tonight, two engine crews will be patrolling the Mystic Mountain Fire. These crews will utilize handheld infrared cameras to help locate hot spots that are still smoldering inside the fire area. Hot spots that are located will be flagged and mapped for day shift resources to work on. The Mystic Mountain Fire originated Wednesday afternoon, three miles southeast of Glide. The cause of the fire is currently under investigation. Via DFPA