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Drop-in Bike Fair Planned For Community

On Friday, May 13 from 1:00 to 5:00 p.m. a bike fair is planned at the basketball court (located between the tennis center and driving range) in Stewart Park, Roseburg. The event is open to the public and geared towards kids of all ages. The goal of the event is to improve bike safety, skills, and knowledge, while generating interest and enthusiasm for cycling. The event is organized by Douglas Education Service District’s Safe Routes to School, Oregon Safe Routes to Schools, Thrive Umpqua, Umpqua Valley Bicycle Outreach, City of Roseburg Parks and Recreation, Umpqua Velo Club, LUMBR, Bike Walk Roseburg and Canyon Creek Bicycles. The main activities include: Bike maintenance and basic repairs Bike skills course Bike fleet for riders without a bike Helmet fitting station Games and prizes Safety and educational materials Food truck For more information about Safe Routes to Schools, visit: