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NE Stephens Street ADA Ramp Improvement Project Starts Tuesday

Drivers should expect lane closures and brief delays on NE Stephens Street this summer during sidewalk ramp construction. On Tuesday, May 31, City contractors will begin a project to update all sidewalk ramps on about a mile-long stretch of NE Stephens Street to comply with current standards in the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), according to the Roseburg Public Works Department. Contractors will reconstruct and update 27 existing ADA ramps on NE Stephens Street between NE Wright Avenue and NE Oakland Avenue. The project is expected to cost $337,092 and be completed in September. The work will be performed on weekdays starting as early as 5 a.m. and wrapping up by 5 p.m. During the project, there will be lane closures in the right-hand lane for both northbound and southbound traffic. In September, roughly the same section of roadway will be resurfaced at night. Project funding will come from the city’s Transportation and Sidewalk Improvement Funds. The City appreciates motorists’ understanding and patience throughout the project, and asks motorists traveling on NE Stephens Street to use caution when traveling through the work zone. For more information, please contact the Public Works Department at 541-492-6730 or Via City of Roseburg