Oregon's Ways & Means Committee to Hear Douglas County's Budget Priorities
For the first time, the Oregon Legislature's Joint Committee on Ways & Means will arrive in Roseburg to hear budget priorities from Douglas County and area residents for the upcoming biennial budget. This budget will fund schools, public safety, and other essential programs and services. Senators David Brock Smith and Dick Anderson, along with Representatives Court Boice, Virgle Osborne, Christine Goodwin, and Boomer Wright, invite local residents to testify on their budget priorities. The Joint Ways & Means Committee, co-chaired by Senator Elizabeth Steiner and Representative Tawna Sanchez, oversees the funding for programs and services across Oregon. Senator David Brock Smith expressed his gratitude to Co-Chairs Steiner and Sanchez for providing the opportunity for his constituents to participate in the legislative process. He encouraged business owners, healthcare workers, parents, grandparents, and all concerned residents to attend, listen to testimonies, and share their opinions before the Joint Committee. During their visit, committee members plan to explore local projects and learn more about the communities they represent. Where: Umpqua Community College Campus Jacoby Auditorium When: Friday, April 21st, 5:00 pm To register for in-person testimony, visit the following link: https://olis.oregonlegislature.gov/liz/2023R1/Committees/JWM/2023-04-21-17-00/Agenda