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Trail Fire Near Diamond Lake Grows to 100 Acres

The Trail fire, which started last night after thunderstorms moved through the area, has grown Wednesday to over 100 acres as of 2pm. According to USFS Umpqua National Forest, resources on scene include Dozer 3, Engine 6, 7 and 334, Water Tender 2, Crew 2, Air Attack, VLAT (Very Large Air Tanker), 2 LATs, 1 lead plane. Other fires noted by the Forest Service: Donegan Fire – Estimated .10 of an acre, single tree. Resources on scene: engine 626, crew 2, Type 4 engine, and falling mod. Cultus Fire – Estimated 1.5 acres. On scene Engine 325, Prevention, water tender, Type 4 engine, and Type 2 crew. Slide Fire – Estimated .5 acre. Resources on scene: Engine 635, Type 2 crew, Type 3 engine, Falling mod. Puddin Fire – Estimated .5 acres. Resources: Fire Prevention 39 and Fuels 3 on scene. White Creek Fire – Estimated .25 acres. Resources: Fuels 1 on scene. 50 percent lined. Tucker Fire – Estimated .5 acres, Resources: Squad 211 and 212 and one engine. Photo by Chuck Peper Reports from Diamond Lake by Dave Loomis