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Obituaries Will Be Free to Share on Tracker

I believe that a person's obituary should be freely shared to the community in which they lived, or formerly lived most of their life. I understand that it has long been the practice for newspapers to charge to print obituaries, as it takes up space in the newspaper. I also understand that there are often families that cannot afford a funeral for their loved one, let alone pay a lot of money for an obituary. It’s time for this to change. When the internet took off a few decades ago, it made the cost of sharing information almost zero. So you would have thought that the price to share a photo and a few paragraphs of text about a loved one that had passed away to the community would have plummeted, but it didn’t. Local online communities started to crop up but ultimately lacked the reach and distribution of the local newspaper’s leftover monopoly on local information distribution. So, obituaries have remained a revenue stream for both newspapers and third party online services. We want to help change this with Tracker by allowing obituaries to be shared with the community for free. Share a high quality color photograph and as many words as you would like about your loved one without concern over paying by the line. We’ll give you a link to the obituary that you can share to all your loved ones near and far, or anywhere you would like. Friends, family and community members will be allowed to leave their condolences in a comment section below the obituary. Have a tribute video, or photo montage you would like to share as well? We can already embed that right into the post via any YouTube link. No charge. You can post obituaries starting today. We’ll reach out to you if we have any questions prior to it going up. Soon we will have an easy to fill out online form and a dedicated Obituary section on our local Tracker site. I hope this is a blessing to families as well as a way to honor those that have long been an important part of our community. 🤙