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Students from Days Creek Work to Improve Roseburg Park

6:26 PM · Oct 31, 2019

Over 60 students from Milo Adventist Academy came to Roseburg yesterday to help cleanup the Natural Area in Stewart Park. Led by instructor Chad Lambie, the bundled up students arrived in a large school bus just after 9am with clippers, pruners and other hand tools in tow. The temperature was still in the 20’s when the work started, but it was a clear, sunny morning. Seeing the smiles and attitudes of the kids as we gathered to begin the work was a beautiful thing. The students had just come from a community almost 30 miles away to help remove blackberry bushes, hawthorn, noxious weeds, pick up trash, prune trees and more. By the end of the day an entire 20 yard dumpster was full of crushed down blackberry bushes with an even larger pile of branches next to it. I want to commend Milo Adventist Academy as well as the students for all your help and willingness to serve yesterday. Opportunities to help are everywhere, and it’s very moving that you would all choose to help us here in Roseburg. It’s an excellent example that our neighbors can be neighboring communities. You are very much appreciated!