Workshop Offered For Seasoned, Beginner, and Aspiring Beekeepers
Roseburg, Ore. – The Oregon State University Extension Service and the Umpqua Valley Beekeepers Association invite you to attend our Beekeeping 101 workshop on Saturday, February 10th, 2024. The workshop will be held in the OSU Extension office auditorium from 10 am to 1 pm. Are you a current beekeeper or someone interested in starting? This workshop is perfect for both! Participants will learn about beekeeping fundamentals, hive design and management, equipment procurement, safety, and how to use pesticides appropriately or find alternatives. This event is co-presented by experts from the Umpqua Valley Beekeepers Association and OSU Extension. It's a great opportunity for those looking to enhance their beekeeping skills or planning to start their own hives and sell honey. The cost to attend is $25, and registration is mandatory. Attendees are advised to bring a sack lunch. To register, visit or call OSU Extension in Douglas County at 541-672-4461. For accommodation requests related to a disability, please contact Logan Bennett by January 29th, 2024, at (541) 236-3015 or Via OSU Extension Office release