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Douglas County Birds: Great-Blue Heron

The Great-Blue Heron is native to Oregon and can also be found all across the United States. In Douglas County, you can find them at ponds, marshes, lakes and rivers. The Great-Blue Heron usually nests in trees. They build the nest out of sticks and they line the inside of the nest with leaves, pine needles, bits of shrubs, and other small twigs. The Great-Blue Heron eats mostly fish, reptiles, amphibians, and other small mammals. One of the things I like about these birds is how stealthy they are and how they can stay really still and wait for their prey to come close enough to strike. A good place to look for herons in the winter is just past Kruse Farms here in Douglas County. And in the spring and summer, go to the duck pond next to Fred Meyer here in Roseburg and you will usually see them hunting in the ponds.