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Colliding Rivers Viewpoint - Glide, Oregon

Colliding Rivers is a beautiful and unique location where the North Umpqua River and Little River collide. Colliding Rivers is located 17 miles east of Roseburg in the town of Glide off of Highway 138 that goes up to Diamond Lake. The site is open year-round, but facilities such as the bathrooms and visitor center are closed during the winter months. The visitor center is a historic structure built by the Civilian Conservation Corps back in 1938. It's open from May through October. My grandfather, James Finlay Sr, volunteered at the visitor center for several decades. He loved to tell stories of the area and help introduce people from all over the world to the beauty of the North Umpqua area. When he was a child, he helped plant trees along the river all the way up Glide Loop Road where Colliding Rivers resides. He and my grandmother were longtime Glide residents who loved the area deeply. So if you are traveling out Highway 138 towards Diamond and Crater Lake, consider stopping at Colliding Rivers for a break. Glide also has some great food and a nice coffee shop!


Awesome, Colliding Rivers is such a beautiful spot!

Mar 9, 2021