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Douglas County Birds: Yellow-Rumped Warbler

The Yellow-Rumped Warbler can be found all across the United States and is common in Douglas County. The Yellow-Rumped Warblers live in areas with Pine, Willow, Birch, and Aspen trees. The Yellow-Rumped Warbler eats mostly insects but also seeds and berries and will often visit suet feeders. Yellow-Rumped Warblers usually build their nests in pine trees. They build their nest out of twigs, grass, moss, lichen and other soft material. One of my favorite things about this bird is the patches of bright yellow on its feathers. Good places to look for these birds in Douglas County are Ford’s Pond in Sutherlin (about fifteen minutes away from Roseburg) and at backyard suet feeders. Photo was taken 3-15-21 in Douglas County Photo by Abraham Finlay