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Over 30 Volunteers Planted Trees & Shrubs at the Ponds in Stewart Park Today

Nearly three dozen volunteers came out to the ponds in Stewart Park this morning to help plant trees, shrubs, sedges, and rushes. Several loads of bark chips were also spread along with fencing to protect the trees and plants that went into the ground. The planting day was in partnership with the City of Roseburg Parks Department and its horticulturist Tracy Pope. Besides improving the appearance of the area in front of the ponds, the trees, plants, and bark chips should help slow the soil erosion in the area. It was great to see elementary-age kids helping, as well as several local jr high and high school students. Thank you to all the volunteers that came out today to help out! Several photos courtesy of Keith McDonald


What an awesome project! Thanks to everyone who helped out!

Apr 9, 2021