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City of Roseburg, UCAN Seek Warming Center Partners

The City of Roseburg and United Community Action Network are looking for a place to house a warming center. They are jointly asking land and business owners in Roseburg to partner with them to provide a temporary warming shelter for community members experiencing homelessness during severe weather this winter. Funding and resource assistance to operate a warming center is available to help support land owners with buildings or businesses that can offer at least 2,500 square feet of indoor space with bathrooms and ADA accessibility. The City will assist land or business partners in creating an operations and emergency evacuation plan. Social service organizations in the community can provide sleeping mats or beds, 24/7 guest supervision and direct access to support services. “The citizens of Roseburg are a kind and caring people who always come to the aid of others in times of need,” said UCAN Executive Director Shaun Pritchard. “I’m confident that, once again, the best of Roseburg will shine through to help warm this vulnerable population.” The timeliness of this request is imperative, as overnight temperatures continue to drop. Warming shelters will be needed when the low temperatures are forecasted to be 30 degrees Fahrenheit or less, or when the low temperatures are forecasted to be 32 degrees Fahrenheit or less with additional factors such as precipitation, wind and sustained low temperatures, including during the day. Land or business owners and other individuals who are interested in partnering with the City and UCAN or who would like to share suggestions should contact UCAN at